Repack torghast project Mist of pandaria 5.4.8


12 Nov 2020
Creo que lo que quiere decir es que si podrias añadir lo del Auth y ponerlo para que pudiesemos descargarlo con ese cambio porque algunos no sabemos bien como hacerlo porque somos mas nuevos y tenemos ganas de probarlo. Se ve el repack super bueno, igual que el de cata, todo lo que he probado hasta ahora funciona al 100% es increible, grandiosos repacks, yo he importado y ejecutado el .sql en auth, nose si eso estará bien hecho, nose como haceerlo la verdad, gracias por el repack es buenisimo! No me deja crear cosas de la expansion de TBC y Lich King,ni sus razas, imagino que me dejara cuando se descargue el wow completo no? Gracias por el repack!!

No, tendrias que tenerlo activo, eso que puse es para cuentas nuevas creadas en consola para que tu cuenta si usas la de test pon esto en la tabla auth
Necesitas, Acceder o Registrarse para ver el contenido.


26 May 2020
colega me gustaria saber el estado del pvp y si es posible tener arena 1vs1 seria genial
Última edición:


12 Nov 2020
colega me gustaria saber el estado del pvp y si es posible tener arena 1vs1 seria genial
Funcionando todo y si no me equivoco el 1v1 tambien esta disponible fijate en la tabla Auth hay un bsse de datos llamada config hay tienes configuraciónes, saludos


23 Aug 2021
de Gm ir a la tabla account_acces y poner donde gmlevel 10 y el realmdID
Buenas, me ha encantado el aporte, ¡Esta es mi expansión favorita!.
Solo una preguntilla', ¿Con que software abro el archivo .frm 'account_acces.frm'?
¡Muchas gracias @kasykiller :)

Otra preguntilla: ¿Porque los NPCs me dan todas las misiones de golpe?(Por ejemplo, el Maestro Xang-Xi me da las misiones de todas las clases siendo monje; y las ultimas tambien me las da)
Muchas gracias de nuevo ;)
Última edición:


12 Nov 2020
Buenas, me ha encantado el aporte, ¡Esta es mi expansión favorita!.
Solo una preguntilla', ¿Con que software abro el archivo .frm 'account_acces.frm'?
¡Muchas gracias @kasykiller :)

Otra preguntilla: ¿Porque los NPCs me dan todas las misiones de golpe?(Por ejemplo, el Maestro Xang-Xi me da las misiones de todas las clases siendo monje; y las ultimas tambien me las da)
Muchas gracias de nuevo ;)
Luego te pongo un update para corregir eso y poner locales tambien en inglés que están anuladas, para poder tocar la base de datos descarga mysqlyog o heidisql con eso te conectas a la base de datos poniendo la ip local que es usuario root y password root


23 Aug 2021
Luego te pongo un update para corregir eso y poner locales tambien en inglés que están anuladas, para poder tocar la base de datos descarga mysqlyog o heidisql con eso te conectas a la base de datos poniendo la ip local que es usuario root y password root
¡Muchisimas gracias!
27 Jun 2021
En serio este repack funciona al 100%? porque en el worldserver.exe hay un montón de errores de SQL que no existen monstruos o misiones...

Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2r 26 Feb 2019)
Using ACE version: 6.1.4
SkyFire 5.x.xRev: 0 Release Hash: Archive (Win64, little-endian) (worldserver-daemon)
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

torghast project 2021(c) Private-sourced Game Emulation

Realm running as realm ID 1
Using World DB: DB_2020_07_12
Using esES DBC Locale
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir ./
WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Loading Trinity strings...
>> Loaded 1342 Trinity strings from table trinity_string in 6 ms
Initialize data stores...
>> Initialized 168 DBC data stores in 13158 ms
Loading SpellInfo store...
>> Loaded SpellInfo store in 1137 ms
Loading SpellInfo corrections...
>> Loaded SpellInfo corrections in 59 ms
Loading SkillLineAbilityMultiMap Data...
>> Loaded 8240 SkillLineAbility MultiMap Data in 4 ms
Loading SpellInfo custom attributes...
>> Loaded SpellInfo custom attributes in 175 ms
Loading GameObject models...
>> Loaded 4791 GameObject models in 113 ms
Loading Script Names...
>> Loaded 8336 Script Names in 825 ms
Loading Instance Template...
>> Loaded 146 instance templates in 1 ms
Loading instances...
>> Loaded instances in 10301 ms
Loading Localization strings...
>> Loaded 60753 creature locale strings in 140 ms
>> Loaded 30081 gameobject locale strings in 317 ms
>> Loaded 72226 Item locale strings in 256 ms
>> Loaded 18145 Quest locale strings in 993 ms
>> Loaded 9487 NpcText locale strings in 229 ms
>> Loaded 2026 PageText locale strings in 37 ms
>> Loaded 6885 gossip_menu_option locale strings in 143 ms
>> Loaded 494 points_of_interest locale strings in 23 ms
>> Localization strings loaded in 2138 ms
Loading Letter Analogs...
Loading Bad Words...
Loading Page Texts...
>> Loaded 2274 page texts in 21 ms
Loading Game Object Templates...
>> Loaded 34361 game object templates in 320 ms
Loading Game Object template addons...
>> Loaded 9649 game object template addons in 31 ms
Loading Transport templates...
>> Loaded 55 transport templates in 25 ms
Loading Spell Rank Data...
>> Loaded 200 spell rank records in 1 ms
Loading Spell Required Data...
>> Loaded 22 spell required records in 0 ms
Loading Spell Group types...
>> Loaded 577 spell group definitions in 2 ms
Loading Spell Learn Skills...
>> Loaded 145 Spell Learn Skills from DBC in 46 ms
Loading Spell Learn Spells...
>> Loaded 54 spell learn spells, 359 found in Spell.dbc and 0 from TalentTab.dbc in 48 ms
Loading Spell Proc Event conditions...
>> Loaded 575 extra spell proc event conditions in 14 ms
Loading Spell Proc conditions and data...
>> Loaded 0 spell proc conditions and data. DB table `spell_proc` is empty.
Loading Spell Bonus Data...
>> Loaded 231 extra spell bonus data in 1 ms
Loading Aggro Spells Definitions...
>> Loaded 31 SpellThreatEntries in 0 ms
Loading Spell Group Stack Rules...
>> Loaded 68 spell group stack rules in 1 ms
Loading Spell Phase Dbc Info...
>> Loaded 0 spell dbc infos. DB table `spell_phase` is empty.
Loading Spell AreaTrigger templates...
>> Loaded 260 area trigger templates in 1 ms
Loading NPC Texts...
>> Loaded 9165 npc texts in 161 ms
Loading Enchant Spells Proc datas...
>> Loaded 18 enchant proc data definitions in 1 ms
Loading Item Random Enchantments Table...
>> Loaded 29723 Item Enchantment definitions in 114 ms
Loading Disables
>> Loaded 84 disables in 1 ms
Loading Items...
>> Loaded 0 item templates from Item-sparse.db2 and 80061 from database in 2552 ms
Loading Item set names...
>> Loaded 612 item addon templates in 1 ms
>> Loaded 32 item script names in 0 ms
Loading Creature Model Based Info Data...
>> Loaded 39831 creature model based info in 83 ms
Loading Creature templates...
>> Loaded 57524 creature definitions in 1874 ms
Loading Equipment templates...
>> Loaded 17047 equipment templates in 98 ms
Loading creature difficulty moidifiers...
>> Loaded 5287 creature difficulty modifiers in 14 ms
Loading Creature template addons...
>> Loaded 34602 creature template addons in 145 ms
Loading Pet scaling...
Loaded 66 pet scaing in 1 ms
Loading Reputation Reward Rates...
>> Loaded 14 reputation_reward_rate in 0 ms
Loading Creature Reputation OnKill Data...
>> Loaded 1988 creature award reputation definitions in 25 ms
Loading Reputation Spillover Data...
>> Loaded 28 reputation_spillover_template in 1 ms
Loading Points Of Interest Data...
>> Loaded 1054 Points of Interest definitions in 12 ms
Loading Creature Base Stats...
>> Loaded 400 creature base stats in 31 ms
Loading Creature Data...
>> Loaded 315298 creatures in 2798 ms
Loading Temporary Summon Data...
>> Loaded 200 temp summons in 1 ms
Loading pet levelup spells...
>> Loaded 748 pet levelup and default spells for 65 families in 3 ms
Loading Creature Addon Data...
>> Loaded 76997 creature addons in 203 ms
Loading Gameobject Data...
>> Loaded 170162 gameobjects in 2285 ms
Loading GameObject Addon Data...
>> Loaded 5 gameobject addons in 0 ms
Loading Creature Linked Respawn...
>> Loaded 6757 linked respawns in 59 ms
Loading Custom Object Visibility...
>> Loaded 1377 custom object visibility settings in 48 ms
Loading Weather Data...
>> Loaded 42 weather definitions in 2 ms
Loading Quests...
>> Loaded 18145 quests definitions in 623 ms
Checking Quest Disables
>> Checked 8 quest disables in 0 ms
Loading Quest Objectives...
>> Loaded 17479 Quest Objectives in 208 ms.
Loading Quest Objective Locales...
>> Loaded 0 Quest Objective visual effects in 416 ms.
Loading Quest Objective Visual Effects...
>> Loaded 1330 Quest Objective visual effects in 17 ms.
Loading Quest POI
>> Loaded 34960 quest POI definitions in 305 ms
Loading Quests Starters and Enders...
Loading GO Start Quest Data...
>> Loaded 950 quest relations from gameobject_queststarter in 2 ms
Loading GO End Quest Data...
>> Loaded 688 quest relations from gameobject_questender in 1 ms
Loading Creature Start Quest Data...
>> Loaded 11934 quest relations from creature_queststarter in 69 ms
Loading Creature End Quest Data...
>> Loaded 12439 quest relations from creature_questender in 51 ms
Loading Objects Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 14062 objects pools in 85 ms
Loading Creatures Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 1441 creatures in pools in 5 ms
Loading Gameobject Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 58506 gameobject in pools in 112 ms
Loading Mother Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 8066 pools in mother pools in 28 ms
Loading Quest Pooling Data...
>> Loaded 378 quests in pools in 8 ms
Starting objects pooling system...
Loading Game Event Data...
>> Loaded 112 game events in 2 ms
Loading Game Event Saves Data...
>> Loaded 0 game event saves in game events. DB table `game_event_save` is empty.
Loading Game Event Prerequisite Data...
>> Loaded 0 game event prerequisites in game events. DB table `game_event_prerequisite` is empty.
Loading Game Event Creature Data...
>> Loaded 12829 creatures in game events in 14 ms
Loading Game Event GO Data...
>> Loaded 36102 gameobjects in game events in 32 ms
Loading Game Event Model/Equipment Change Data...
>> Loaded 283 model/equipment changes in game events in 134 ms
Loading Game Event Quest Data...
>> Loaded 249 quests additions in game events in 1 ms
Loading Game Event GO Quest Data...
>> Loaded 187 quests additions in game events in 1 ms
Loading Game Event Quest Condition Data...
>> Loaded 0 quest event conditions in game events. DB table `game_event_quest_condition` is empty.
Loading Game Event Condition Data...
>> Loaded 0 conditions in game events. DB table `game_event_condition` is empty.
Loading Game Event Condition Save Data...
>> Loaded 0 condition saves in game events. DB table `game_event_condition_save` is empty.
Loading Game Event NPCflag Data...
>> Loaded 0 npcflags in game events. DB table `game_event_npcflag` is empty.
Loading Game Event Seasonal Quest Relations...
>> Loaded 739 quests additions in game events in 39 ms
Loading Game Event Vendor Additions Data...
>> Loaded 0 vendor additions in game events. DB table `game_event_npc_vendor` is empty.
Loading Game Event Battleground Data...
>> Loaded 4 battleground holidays in game events in 0 ms
Loading Game Event Pool Data...
>> Loaded 0 pools for game events. DB table `game_event_pool` is empty.
>> Loaded 973 spellclick definitions in 33 ms
Loading Vehicle Template Accessories...
>> Loaded 342 Vehicle Template Accessories in 9 ms
Loading Vehicle Accessories...
>> Loaded 32 Vehicle Accessories in 0 ms
Loading SpellArea Data...
>> Loaded 1127 spell area requirements in 15 ms
Loading AreaTrigger definitions...
>> Loaded 380 area trigger teleport definitions in 1 ms
Loading Access Requirements...
Key item 30637 does not exist for map 540 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Second item 30622 does not exist for map 540 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Key item 30637 does not exist for map 542 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Second item 30622 does not exist for map 542 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Key item 30637 does not exist for map 543 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Second item 30622 does not exist for map 543 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Key item 30623 does not exist for map 545 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Key item 30623 does not exist for map 546 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Key item 30623 does not exist for map 547 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Key item 30634 does not exist for map 552 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Key item 30634 does not exist for map 553 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Key item 30634 does not exist for map 554 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Key item 30633 does not exist for map 555 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Key item 30633 does not exist for map 556 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Key item 30633 does not exist for map 557 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Key item 30633 does not exist for map 558 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
Key item 30635 does not exist for map 560 difficulty 2, removing key requirement.
>> Loaded 252 access requirement definitions in 21 ms
Loading Quest Giver Area Triggers...
>> Loaded 21 quest giver trigger points in 1 ms
Loading Quest Area Triggers...
>> Loaded 75 quest trigger points in 18 ms
Loading Tavern Area Triggers...
>> Loaded 183 tavern triggers in 1 ms
Loading AreaTrigger script names...
>> Loaded 351 areatrigger scripts in 0 ms
Loading LFG entrance positions...
>> Loaded 148 lfg entrance positions in 1 ms
LFGMgr::LoadLFGDungeons: Failed to load dungeon Prince Sarsarun (Id: 310), cant find areatrigger for map 734
LFGMgr::LoadLFGDungeons: Failed to load dungeon Prince Sarsarun (Id: 299), cant find areatrigger for map 734
Loading Dungeon boss data...
>> Loaded 493 instance encounters in 1 ms
Loading LFG rewards...
>> Loaded 37 lfg dungeon rewards in 0 ms
Loading Graveyard-zone links...
>> Loaded 1122 graveyard-zone links in 2 ms
Loading Graveyard Orientations...
>> Loaded 1016 graveyard orientations in 1 ms
Loading spell pet auras...
>> Loaded 5 spell pet auras in 0 ms
Loading Spell target coordinates...
>> Loaded 1674 spell teleport coordinates in 6 ms
Loading enchant custom attributes...
>> Loaded 3 custom enchant attributes in 4 ms
Loading linked spells...
>> Loaded 644 linked spells in 4 ms
Loading Player Create Data...
>> Loaded 122 player create definitions in 1 ms
Loading Player Create Items Data...
>> Loaded 22 custom player create items in 1 ms
Loading Player Create Spell Data...
>> Loaded 2456 player create spells in 0 ms
Loading Player Create Action Data...
>> Loaded 367 player create actions in 1 ms
Loading Player Create Level Stats Data...
>> Loaded 14138 level stats definitions in 22 ms
Loading Player Create XP Data...
>> Loaded 89 xp for level definitions in 1 ms
Loading Exploration BaseXP Data...
>> Loaded 90 BaseXP definitions in 0 ms
Loading Pet Name Parts...
>> Loaded 313 pet name parts in 1 ms
Loading the max pet number...
>> Loaded the max pet number: 0 in 0 ms
Loading pet level stats...
>> Loaded 3690 level pet stats definitions in 32 ms
Loading Player Corpses...
>> Loaded 0 corpses. DB table `corpse` is empty.
Loading Player level dependent mail rewards...
>> Loaded 24 level dependent mail rewards in 0 ms
Loading Scenes Templates...
>> Loaded 0 scene templates in 0 ms.
Loading creature loot templates...
>> Loaded 659757 creature loot templates in 1577 ms
Loading fishing loot templates...
>> Loaded 3299 fishing loot templates in 62 ms
Loading gameobject loot templates...
>> Loaded 11466 gameobject loot templates in 85 ms
Loading item loot templates...
>> Loaded 5214 item loot templates in 58 ms
Loading mail loot templates...
>> Loaded 141 mail loot templates in 0 ms
Loading milling loot templates...
>> Loaded 113 milling loot templates in 7 ms
Loading pickpocketing loot templates...
>> Loaded 28678 pickpocketing loot templates in 128 ms
Loading skinning loot templates...
>> Loaded 8275 skinning loot templates in 84 ms
Loading disenchanting loot templates...
>> Loaded 212 disenchanting loot templates in 1 ms
Loading prospecting loot templates...
>> Loaded 173 prospecting loot templates in 8 ms
Loading spell loot templates...
>> Loaded 724 spell loot templates in 16 ms
Loading reference loot templates...
>> Loaded refence loot templates in 207 ms
>> Loaded 176 creature loot currency templates in 1 ms.
Loaded 52 personal loot templates in 137 ms
Loaded 53 bonus loot templates in 1 ms
Loaded 74 world drop loot templates in 1 ms
Loading Skill Discovery Table...
>> Loaded 1026 skill discovery definitions in 10 ms
Loading Skill Extra Item Table...
>> Loaded 291 spell specialization definitions in 2 ms
Loading Skill Fishing base level requirements...
>> Loaded 218 areas for fishing base skill level in 1 ms
Loading Achievements...
>> Loaded 48 achievement references in 2 ms
Loading Achievement Criteria Lists...
>> Loaded 1 achievement criteria in 52 ms
Loading Achievement Criteria Data...
>> Loaded 1477 additional achievement criteria data in 295 ms
Loading Achievement Rewards...
>> Loaded 217 achievement rewards in 7 ms
Loading Achievement Reward Locales...
>> Loaded 39 achievement reward locale strings in 10 ms
Loading Completed Achievements...
>> Loaded 0 realm first completed achievements. DB table `character_achievement` is empty.
Loading Item Auctions...
>> Loaded 0 auction items. DB table `auctionhouse` or `item_instance` is empty!
Loading Auctions...
>> Loaded 0 auctions. DB table `auctionhouse` is empty.
Loading Guild XP for level...
>> Loaded 24 xp for guild level definitions in 1 ms
Loading Guild rewards...
Guild rewards constains not existing achievement entry 0
Guild rewards constains not existing achievement entry 0
>> Loaded 60 guild reward definitions in 1 ms
Loading Guilds...
Loading guilds definitions...
>> Loaded 0 guild definitions. DB table `guild` is empty.
Loading Groups...
>> Loaded 0 group definitions. DB table `groups` is empty!
Loading ReservedNames...
>> Loaded 0 reserved player names. DB table `reserved_name` is empty!
Loading GameObjects for quests...
>> Loaded 2220 GameObjects for quests in 5 ms
Loading BattleMasters...
>> Loaded 173 battlemaster entries in 1 ms
Loading GameTeleports...
>> Loaded 1602 GameTeleports in 12 ms
Loading Gossip menu...
>> Loaded 8650 gossip_menu entries in 28 ms
Loading Gossip menu options...
>> Loaded 6997 gossip_menu_option entries in 96 ms
Loading Vendors...
>> Loaded 59529 Vendors in 125 ms
Loading Trainers...
>> Loaded 69972 Trainers in 408 ms
Loading Waypoints...
>> Loaded 209584 waypoints in 783 ms
Loading SmartAI Waypoints...
>> Loaded 404 SmartAI waypoint paths (total 5302 waypoints) in 15 ms
Loading Creature Formations...
>> Loaded 86 creatures in formations in 1 ms
Loading World States...
>> Loaded 13 world states in 0 ms
Loading Phase definitions...
>> Loaded 77 phasing definitions in 1 ms.
Loading Conditions...
>> Loaded 22359 conditions in 154 ms
Loading faction change achievement pairs...
>> Loaded 214 faction change achievement pairs in 1 ms
Loading faction change spell pairs...
>> Loaded 117 faction change spell pairs in 0 ms
Loading faction change item pairs...
>> Loaded 1583 faction change item pairs in 36 ms
Loading faction change reputation pairs...
>> Loaded 20 faction change reputation pairs in 0 ms
Loading faction change title pairs...
>> Loaded 41 faction change title pairs in 1 ms
Loading GM tickets...
>> Loaded 0 GM tickets. DB table `gm_ticket` is empty!
Loading GM bugs...
>> Loaded 0 ticket bugs. DB table `ticket_bug` is empty!
Loading client addons...
>> Loaded 0 known addons. DB table `addons` is empty!
Returning old mails...
>> No expired mails found.
Loading Autobroadcasts...
>> Loaded 0 autobroadcasts definitions. DB table `autobroadcast` is empty for this realm!
Loading spell_scripts...
>> Loaded 283 script definitions in 4 ms
Loading event_scripts...
>> Loaded 815 script definitions in 9 ms
Loading waypoint_scripts...
>> Loaded 846 script definitions in 18 ms
Loading Scripts text locales...
>> Loaded 219 string templates from db_script_string in 2 ms
Loading spell script names...
>> Loaded 5147 spell script names in 24 ms
Loading Creature Texts...
>> Loaded 16310 creature texts for 3541 creatures in 76 ms
Loading Creature Text Locales...
>> Loaded 15994 creature localized texts in 303 ms
Initializing Scripts...
Loading Script Waypoints for 67 creature(s)...
>> Loaded 1674 Script Waypoint nodes in 67 ms
Loading C++ scripts
>> Loaded 7924 C++ scripts in 867 ms
Validating spell scripts...
Spell `348` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `348` Effect `Index: Invalid Value Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `1126` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 3` of script `spell_dru_mark_of_the_wild_stats` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `1459` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 3` of script `spell_mage_arcane_brilliance_stats` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `1463` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 97` of script `spell_mage_incanters_absorbtion_manashield` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectManaShield` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `1463` did not pass Validate() function of script `spell_mage_incanters_absorbtion_manashield` - script will be not added to the spell
Spell `1490` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `1490` Effect `Index: Invalid Value Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `6572` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Name: 30` of script `spell_warr_revenge_shield_slam` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `6789` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `11426` did not pass Validate() function of script `spell_mage_incanters_absorbtion_absorb` - script will be not added to the spell
Spell `12975` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 3` of script `spell_warr_last_stand` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHit` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `12975` did not pass Validate() function of script `spell_warr_last_stand` - script will be not added to the spell
Spell `17877` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `17877` Effect `Index: Invalid Value Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `17962` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `17962` Effect `Index: Invalid Value Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `18461` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 16` of script `spell_rog_vanish` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `18461` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 16` of script `spell_rog_vanish` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `18461` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 AuraName: 129` of script `spell_rog_vanish` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `DoEffectCalcAmount` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `18461` of script `spell_rog_vanish` does not have apply aura effect - handler bound to hook `DoCheckProc` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `18461` of script `spell_rog_vanish` does not have apply aura effect - handler bound to hook `OnProc` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `19263` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL AuraName: 185` of script `spell_hunt_deterrence` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `DoEffectCalcAmount` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `19740` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 3` of script `spell_pal_blessing_of_might` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `20167` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 31` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_one_target` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `20217` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 3` of script `spell_pal_blessing_of_kings` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `20243` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_warr_sword_and_board` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectProc` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `21562` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 3` of script `spell_pri_power_word_fortitude_stats` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `23218` of script `spell_dru_shapeshift_move_speed` does not have area aura effect - handler bound to hook `DoCheckAreaTarget` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `23922` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 Name: 30` of script `spell_warr_revenge_shield_slam` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `25040` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_mark_of_nature` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `29722` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `29722` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `29722` Effect `Index: Invalid Value Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `45204` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 Name: 77` of script `spell_gen_clone` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `53385` did not pass Validate() function of script `spell_pal_divine_storm` - script will be not added to the spell
Spell `57669` did not pass Validate() function of script `spell_gen_replenishment` - script will be not added to the spell
Spell `61316` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 3` of script `spell_mage_dalaran_brilliance` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `63093` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 Name: 3` of script `spell_mage_mirror_image` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHit` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `66545` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_paletress_summon_memory` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `67801` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL AuraName: 184` of script `spell_hunt_deterrence` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `DoEffectCalcAmount` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `69409` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 226` of script `spell_dk_soul_reaper` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `70536` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Name: 61` of script `spell_icc_sprit_alarm` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHit` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `70545` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Name: 61` of script `spell_icc_sprit_alarm` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHit` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `70546` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Name: 61` of script `spell_icc_sprit_alarm` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHit` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `70547` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Name: 61` of script `spell_icc_sprit_alarm` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHit` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `70739` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Name: 61` of script `spell_icc_geist_alarm` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHit` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `73159` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_the_lich_king_play_movie` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `73921` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 30` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_six_targets` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `75428` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 Name: 2` of script `spell_romogg_skullcracker_eff` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `75428` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 Target: 7` of script `spell_romogg_skullcracker_eff` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `76912` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_alpha_beam` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `77127` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 86` of script `spell_omega_stance_spider` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnDestinationTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `77799` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `77799` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `77799` Effect `Index: Invalid Value Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `77827` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_onyxia_lightning_discharge` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `79504` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 104` of script `spell_omnotron_flamethower` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `82327` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 30` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_six_targets` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `86529` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_sha_mail_specialization` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `86529` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_sha_mail_specialization` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `88091` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 Name: 3` of script `spell_mage_mirror_image` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHit` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `88092` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 Name: 3` of script `spell_mage_mirror_image` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHit` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `88686` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 30` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_six_targets` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `92023` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_lord_victor_nefarius_encasing_shadows` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `96268` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 171` of script `spell_dk_deaths_advance` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `DoEffectCalcAmount` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `96268` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 305` of script `spell_dk_deaths_advance` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `DoEffectCalcAmount` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `102629` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_light_wall_cosmetic` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `107205` Effect `Index: Invalid Value Target: 7` of script `spell_spicy_explosion` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `108000` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 56` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_one_target` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `108939` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 105` of script `spell_pri_glyph_of_levitate` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `108939` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 105` of script `spell_pri_glyph_of_levitate` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `109466` Effect `Index: Invalid Value Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `109822` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 56` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_one_target` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `109825` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 56` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_one_target` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `110617` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL AuraName: 185` of script `spell_hunt_deterrence` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `DoEffectCalcAmount` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `110618` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL AuraName: 184` of script `spell_hunt_deterrence` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `DoEffectCalcAmount` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `110700` Effect `Index: Invalid Value Name: 136` of script `spell_pal_divine_shield` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `111698` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_shadopan_apparitions` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `111698` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 69` of script `spell_shadopan_apparitions` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `DoEffectCalcAmount` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `112060` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_shadopan_apparitions` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `113072` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 133` of script `spell_dk_might_of_ursoc` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `113277` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 0` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_raid_25` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `113828` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 56` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_one_target` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `113886` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 125` of script `spell_warl_demonic_gateway_summon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnDestinationTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `113890` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 138` of script `spell_warl_demonic_gateway_summon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnDestinationTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `113959` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 3` of script `spell_heavy_armor` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `115399` of script `spell_monk_healing_elixirs` does not have apply aura effect - handler bound to hook `DoCheckProc` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `115399` of script `spell_monk_healing_elixirs` does not have apply aura effect - handler bound to hook `OnProc` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `115519` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 58` of script `spell_sc_cleave` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `116267` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 69` of script `spell_mage_incanters_absorbtion_absorb` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectAbsorb` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `116267` did not pass Validate() function of script `spell_mage_incanters_absorbtion_absorb` - script will be not added to the spell
Spell `116779` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_titan_gas` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `116779` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_titan_gas` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `116779` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_titan_gas2` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `116779` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_titan_gas2` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `116858` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `116858` Effect `Index: Invalid Value Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `117006` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_devastating_arc` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `117640` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 31` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_six_targets` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `117895` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 56` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_one_target` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Functions GetSpellScript() and GetAuraScript() of script `spell_terracota_spawn` do not return objects - script skipped
Spell `119311` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119338` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119905` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 140` of script `spell_warl_command_demon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119907` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 140` of script `spell_warl_command_demon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119909` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 140` of script `spell_warl_command_demon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119910` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 140` of script `spell_warl_command_demon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119911` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 140` of script `spell_warl_command_demon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119913` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 140` of script `spell_warl_command_demon` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `119952` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 30` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_six_targets` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `120070` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_sap_residue` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `120124` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 15` of script `spell_crossbow_xin` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `120142` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_dart` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `120559` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_rimok_saboteur_bombard` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `122336` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_sonic_ring` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `122336` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_sonic_ring` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `122853` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_inhale` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectLaunch` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `122982` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_unseen_strike` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `123600` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_su_dummy` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `123616` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_su_dumaura` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `123740` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_dark_of_night_fixate` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `123818` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 164` of script `spell_garalon_damaged` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `124018` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_pheromones_of_zeal` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Functions GetSpellScript() and GetAuraScript() of script `spell_su_dummy_visual` do not return objects - script skipped
Spell `124285` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 171` of script `spell_dk_deaths_advance` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `DoEffectCalcAmount` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `124285` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 305` of script `spell_dk_deaths_advance` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `DoEffectCalcAmount` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `124860` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 72` of script `spell_brawlers_guild_rain_dance` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnDestinationTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `124860` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Target: 72` of script `spell_brawlers_guild_rain_dance` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnDestinationTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `124860` Effect `Index: Invalid Value Target: 72` of script `spell_brawlers_guild_rain_dance` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnDestinationTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `126890` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 56` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_one_target` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `129711` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_total_annihilation` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `131079` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 6` of script `spell_mage_frostbolt` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectLaunchTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `132409` Effect `Index: EFFECT_2 Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `132409` Effect `Index: Invalid Value Target: 6` of script `spell_warl_havoc_target_selector` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `136203` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 77` of script `spell_mutation_primordius` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `136909` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Name: 3` of script `spell_incantation_of_gura` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectHitTarget` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `137526` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_incubate_visual` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `137587` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_warl_kil_jaedens_cunning` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `137587` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_warl_kil_jaedens_cunning` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `138002` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 3` of script `spell_fluidity` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectApply` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `138002` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 3` of script `spell_fluidity` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `138302` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 56` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_one_target` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `139195` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 56` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_one_target` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `139209` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_focused_lightning_aoe_trash` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `140149` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 AuraName: 4` of script `spell_rog_marked_for_death` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectRemove` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `142913` Effect `Index: EFFECT_1 Target: 15` of script `spell_malkorok_displaced_energy` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `143333` of script `spell_gen_water_strider_water_walking` does not have area aura effect - handler bound to hook `DoCheckAreaTarget` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `144194` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 18` of script `spell_paragon_explosive_ring_visual` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnDestinationTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `144318` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 97` of script `spell_mage_incanters_absorbtion_manashield` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `AfterEffectManaShield` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `144318` did not pass Validate() function of script `spell_mage_incanters_absorbtion_manashield` - script will be not added to the spell
Spell `144658` Effect `Index: Invalid Value Target: 16` of script `spell_soo_shockwave_missle` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `145153` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL Target: 56` of script `spell_common_smart_heal_one_target` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `145655` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 Target: 7` of script `spell_fallen_protectors_shared_torment` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnObjectAreaTargetSelect` of SpellScript won't be executed
Spell `147703` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 226` of script `spell_timeless_isle_burning_fury` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectPeriodic` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `147997` Effect `Index: EFFECT_0 AuraName: 226` of script `spell_timeless_isle_cauterize` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `OnEffectPeriodic` of AuraScript won't be executed
Spell `148467` Effect `Index: EFFECT_ALL AuraName: 185` of script `spell_hunt_deterrence` did not match dbc effect data - handler bound to hook `DoEffectCalcAmount` of AuraScript won't be executed
>> Validated 4737 scripts in 206 ms
Loading SmartAI scripts...
>> Loaded 11565 SmartAI scripts in 1119 ms
Loading Calendar data...
>> Loaded 0 calendar events
>> Loaded 0 calendar invites
Loading Research Digsite info...
>> Loaded 264 research digsite infos in 0 ms.
Loading Archaeology Find info...
>> Loaded 5196 archaeology find infos in 100 ms.
Loading Research Project requirements...
>> Loaded 107 research project requirements in 0 ms.
Loading Battle Pet breed data...
>> Loaded 1610 Battle Pet breed definitions in 105 ms.
Loading Battle Pet quality data...
>> Loaded 1549 Battle Pet quality definitions in 27 ms.
Loading Battle Pet item to species data...
>> Loaded 364 Battle Pet quality definitions in 7 ms.
Loading Battle Pet spawn pool data...
>> Loaded 378 battle pet spawns in 37 ms
Loading Battle Pay store data...
>> Loaded 253 Battle Pay store products in 243 ms
>> Loaded 0 Battle Pay store products locale strings. DB table `locales_battle_pay_product` is empty!
>> Loaded 253 Battle Pay store product items in 2 ms
>> Loaded 14 Battle Pay store groups in 0 ms
>> Loaded 13 Battle Pay store groups locale strings in 1 ms
>> Loaded 254 Battle Pay store entries in 9 ms
>> Loaded 254 Battle Pay store entries locale strings in 39 ms
Loading Battle Pay boost items data...
>> Loaded 521 boost items in 3 ms
Loading Broken Quests data...
>> Loaded 1 broken quests in 0 ms.
Loading object visibility state data...
>> Loaded 6 object visibility state data in 1 ms
Initialize game time and timers
Mail timer set to: 480, mail return is called every 1440 minutes
Starting Map System
Starting Game Event system...
Starting Arena Season...
Starting Battleground System
>> Loaded 18 battlegrounds in 1 ms
Starting Outdoor PvP System
>> Loaded 5 outdoor PvP definitions in 2 ms
Starting Battlefield System
Loading Transports...
MMAP:loadMap: Could not open mmtile file './mmaps/1133_31_31.mmtile'
MMAP:loadMap: Could not open mmtile file './mmaps/1133_31_32.mmtile'
MMAP:loadMap: Could not open mmtile file './mmaps/1133_32_31.mmtile'
MMAP:loadMap: Could not open mmtile file './mmaps/1133_32_32.mmtile'
>> Spawned 30 continent transports in 11020 ms
Loading Warden Checks...
>> Loaded 786 warden checks.
Deleting expired bans...
Calculate next daily quest reset time...
Calculate next weekly quest reset time...
Calculate next monthly quest reset time...
Calculate random battleground reset time...
Calculate guild limitation(s) reset time...
Calculate next currency reset time...
Loading character name data
No character name data loaded, empty query
Loading account cache
Loaded account cache data for 2 accounts
Loading guild finder guild-related settings...
>> Loaded 0 guild finder guild-related settings. Table `guild_finder_guild_settings` is empty.
Loading guild finder membership requests...
>> Loaded 0 guild finder membership requests. Table `guild_finder_applicant` is empty.
Loading Rated PVP cache...
Loaded 0 rated PvP info in 1 ms
>> Loaded 1 hotfix info entries in 1 ms
Loading black market templates...
>> Loaded 240 BlackMarket templates in 1 ms
Loading black market auctions...
>> Loaded 12 BlackMarket Auctions in 0 ms
Loading missing KeyChains...
>> Loaded 0 KeyChain entries. DB table `keychain_db2` is empty.
Loading realm completed challenges...
>> Loaded 0 group completed challenges. DB table `group_completed_challenges` is empty.
Loading challenge mode rewards...
>> Loaded 9 challenge mode rewards in 1 ms
Loading creature scalling data...
>> Loaded 2652 creature scaling data in 44 ms
Loading promotion auras data...
>> Loaded 0 promotion auras in 1 ms
World initialized in 1 minutes 54 seconds
TCSoap: bound to
SkyFire 5.x.xRev: 0 Release Hash: Archive (Win64, little-endian) (worldserver-daemon) ready...
No defined handler for opcode sent by 1432588640


20 Dec 2019

View attachment 2806
View attachment 2807View attachment 2808
View attachment 2809View attachment 2810View attachment 2811View attachment 2812View attachment 2813

Bueno como dije con el repack de CATACLYSM que puse, ahora pongo un repack de mi código privado de mist of pandaria espero que lo disfrutéis.
- Pelea de mascotas: PVE FUNCIONANDO las misiones de los entrenadores aun no están implementadas.
- Pelea de mascotas: PVP aun no implementado
- Club de lucha: FUNCIONANDO
- Isla intemporal: FUNCIONANDO
- Isla del señor del trueno: FUNCIONANDO
- Isla de los gigantes: FUNCIONANDO
- Zona inicial de los Pandaren: FUNCIONANDO
- Cadena de las misiones legendaria: FUNCIONANDO
- Bandas Mazmorras y gestas de Pandaria: FUNCIONANDO tanto las heroicas y normales, incluso las de tiempo (mazmorras)
- BLACK MARKET funcionando
- BATTLE PAY funcionando se tiene que configurar desde la Base de datos!

Me faltan muchas cosas por poner pero siempre es mejor que lo pruebe uno mismo, el repack esta muy completo tiene extras como CROSSFACTION BGS TRANSFIGURADOR CUSTOM y mas cosas que se pueden configurar desde el worldserver.conf o en la tabla config en la base de datos AUTH.

Quien tenga el error de librerías ssleay32 etc etc que descarguen este archivo y lo instalen: DESCARGAR
Para lanzar el repack solo usen Start MySQL.bat luego ya pueden ejecutar los respectivos worldserver.exe y auth..
Para crear una cuenta ponen en la consola del
worldserver.exe una vez cargado el servidor este comando, acc create (nombre) (contraseña) luego para darte máximo rango de Gm ir a la tabla account_acces y poner donde gmlevel 10 y el realmdID dejar el -1 que seria todos los reinos.



corrige la versión en idioma ingles y corrige también lo de las misiones que no salga todas juntas aplicar este archivo en la base de datos world. DESCAGAR SQL

Dentro del repack encontrareis el cliente minimal para el descargar miestras juegas!


Espero que sea de vuestro agrado se agradecen los comentarios saludos!!​
muchas gracias por tu aporte,me viene la nostalgia 🤭 en esta expansion conoci a esas adorables y sexys pandaren :love: 🤪🤪


18 Aug 2021
Hi @kasykiller!

This repack, which I tested of course, has the problem with mmaps. He just doesn't see it. Or the database is not set to respect mmaps. Why do I say this:
- Most npcs don't do the right thing. Either I walk through the wall or I don't execute certain details.
- mobs go through the walls, stay in the air (float in the air). An example would be a yak mount that runs 2 m from the cart, etc.
- Videos that are not triggered, or do not start to show a certain part of the story or an important event.

This repack is similar to 'Midgard 8.3.7', with little minor adjustments. It really leaves serious questions. There would be more problems. But I'm not going to make an epic of the flaws of this repack now. Just look carefully and you will notice them.

In any case, it needs massive updates. I hope you will want to offer them.

Sincerely, a simple player.
All the best!


¡Hola @kasykiller!

Este reempaquetado, que probé por supuesto, tiene el problema con mmaps. Simplemente no lo ve. O la base de datos no está configurada para respetar mmaps. ¿Por qué digo esto?
- La mayoría de los PNJ no hacen lo correcto. O camino a través de la pared o no ejecuto ciertos detalles.
- Las turbas atraviesan las paredes, se quedan en el aire (flotan en el aire). Un ejemplo sería una montura de yak que corre a 2 m del carro, etc.
- Vídeos que no se disparan, o que no empiezan a mostrar una determinada parte de la historia o un evento importante.

Este reempaquetado es similar a 'Midgard 8.3.7', con pequeños ajustes menores. Realmente deja serias dudas. Habría más problemas. Pero no voy a hacer una epopeya de los defectos de este repack ahora. Solo mire con atención y los notará.

En cualquier caso, necesita actualizaciones masivas. Espero que quiera ofrecerlos.

Sinceramente, un jugador sencillo.
¡Todo lo mejor!


26 Oct 2020

View attachment 2806
View attachment 2807View attachment 2808
View attachment 2809View attachment 2810View attachment 2811View attachment 2812View attachment 2813

Bueno como dije con el repack de CATACLYSM que puse, ahora pongo un repack de mi código privado de mist of pandaria espero que lo disfrutéis.
- Pelea de mascotas: PVE FUNCIONANDO las misiones de los entrenadores aun no están implementadas.
- Pelea de mascotas: PVP aun no implementado
- Club de lucha: FUNCIONANDO
- Isla intemporal: FUNCIONANDO
- Isla del señor del trueno: FUNCIONANDO
- Isla de los gigantes: FUNCIONANDO
- Zona inicial de los Pandaren: FUNCIONANDO
- Cadena de las misiones legendaria: FUNCIONANDO
- Bandas Mazmorras y gestas de Pandaria: FUNCIONANDO tanto las heroicas y normales, incluso las de tiempo (mazmorras)
- BLACK MARKET funcionando
- BATTLE PAY funcionando se tiene que configurar desde la Base de datos!

Me faltan muchas cosas por poner pero siempre es mejor que lo pruebe uno mismo, el repack esta muy completo tiene extras como CROSSFACTION BGS TRANSFIGURADOR CUSTOM y mas cosas que se pueden configurar desde el worldserver.conf o en la tabla config en la base de datos AUTH.

Quien tenga el error de librerías ssleay32 etc etc que descarguen este archivo y lo instalen: DESCARGAR
Para lanzar el repack solo usen Start MySQL.bat luego ya pueden ejecutar los respectivos worldserver.exe y auth..
Para crear una cuenta ponen en la consola del
worldserver.exe una vez cargado el servidor este comando, acc create (nombre) (contraseña) luego para darte máximo rango de Gm ir a la tabla account_acces y poner donde gmlevel 10 y el realmdID dejar el -1 que seria todos los reinos.



corrige la versión en idioma ingles y corrige también lo de las misiones que no salga todas juntas aplicar este archivo en la base de datos world. DESCAGAR SQL

Dentro del repack encontrareis el cliente minimal para el descargar miestras juegas!


Espero que sea de vuestro agrado se agradecen los comentarios saludos!!​
Lo estoy probando , llevo poco tiempo pero lo poco que he probado funciona al 100%, digo igual que en el de cata, esto es oro XD asique muchas gracias por el aporte y espero con ansias mas versiones.


25 Dec 2021
Hola buenas, en la parte donde escribiste esto:

No lo entiendo, me descargue el archivo: cambiar expansion.sql, pero no se donde tengo que ponerlo.
Me podrias subir el repack con esta actualizacion echa ? es que soy nuevo y no se que hacer
Última edición:


26 Oct 2020
Hola buenas, en la parte donde escribiste esto:

No lo entiendo, me descargue el archivo: cambiar expansion.sql, pero no se donde tengo que ponerlo.
Me podrias subir el repack con esta actualizacion echa ? es que soy nuevo y no se que hacer
Buenas, yo tampoco sabía a lo que se refería pero intenté algo y resulto que era así, porque ahora puedo escoger todas las clases y razas, en realidad solo es aplicar un archivo que faltó por aplicarse, te digo los pasos a seguir, es muy sencillo y simple:

(Parecen muchas instrucciones pero en realidad es mucho mas simple solo que lo expreso lo mas detallado posible para que no haya perdida ninguna !xD, porque yo aveces me he perdido)

-Paso 1: Descarga el repack
-Paso 2: Descarga donde pone "PARA CAMBIAR LA EXPANSION A MIST OF PANDARIA PONER ESTE SQL EN LA BASE DE DATOS AUTH" justo abajo en "descargar"
-Paso 3: Descarga donde pone "corrige la versión en idioma ingles y corrige también lo de las misiones que no salga todas juntas aplicar este archivo en la base de datos world. DESCAGAR SQL"
-Paso 4: Descomprime tus archivos en donde quieras, en el escritorio por ejemplo, los archivos .SQL que son las dos descargas pequeñas del paso 2 y 3 guárdalas en el escritorio para que sea fácil acceder a ellas o donde mas cómodo te sea.
-Paso 5: Entra en la carpeta del repack y ejecuta "Start Mysql" y si quieres ejecuta también "Authserver y "Worldserver" para probar que ejecuta todo perfecto.
-Paso 6: Debes tener instalado MysqlYog Community, que te permite acceder a la base de datos interna del Repack,lo ejecutamos y te pedirá un usuario y contraseña, son las siguientes: "User" : root "Pass" : root "Port" : 3306 y le damos a "Connect" y listo hemos accedido a la base interna.
-Paso 7: Dentro de la base, nos vamos a donde pone "AUTH" , click derecho, ---> Import --> Execute SQL Script , y nos saldrá un cuadrito , le damos a los puntitos "..." y elegimos el archivo correspondiente que hay que colocar en Auth, que es el archivo "cambiar expansion.sql", le damos a EJECUTAR Y LISTO! Cuando acabe le damos a "Done" XD!
-Paso 8: Hacemos igual para el archivo "MOP_updates1.sql", como indica Kasykiller, importarlo en "World", le damos click derecho, --> Import --> Execute SQL Script , indicamos el archivo y le damos a "Ejecutar", y luego a "Done" y LISTO, YA PUEDES DISFRUTAR AL 100% del repack de oro de pandaria !! gracias kasykiller!!XD


12 Nov 2020
Buenas, yo tampoco sabía a lo que se refería pero intenté algo y resulto que era así, porque ahora puedo escoger todas las clases y razas, en realidad solo es aplicar un archivo que faltó por aplicarse, te digo los pasos a seguir, es muy sencillo y simple:

(Parecen muchas instrucciones pero en realidad es mucho mas simple solo que lo expreso lo mas detallado posible para que no haya perdida ninguna !xD, porque yo aveces me he perdido)

-Paso 1: Descarga el repack
-Paso 2: Descarga donde pone "PARA CAMBIAR LA EXPANSION A MIST OF PANDARIA PONER ESTE SQL EN LA BASE DE DATOS AUTH" justo abajo en "descargar"
-Paso 3: Descarga donde pone "corrige la versión en idioma ingles y corrige también lo de las misiones que no salga todas juntas aplicar este archivo en la base de datos world. DESCAGAR SQL"
-Paso 4: Descomprime tus archivos en donde quieras, en el escritorio por ejemplo, los archivos .SQL que son las dos descargas pequeñas del paso 2 y 3 guárdalas en el escritorio para que sea fácil acceder a ellas o donde mas cómodo te sea.
-Paso 5: Entra en la carpeta del repack y ejecuta "Start Mysql" y si quieres ejecuta también "Authserver y "Worldserver" para probar que ejecuta todo perfecto.
-Paso 6: Debes tener instalado MysqlYog Community, que te permite acceder a la base de datos interna del Repack,lo ejecutamos y te pedirá un usuario y contraseña, son las siguientes: "User" : root "Pass" : root "Port" : 3306 y le damos a "Connect" y listo hemos accedido a la base interna.
-Paso 7: Dentro de la base, nos vamos a donde pone "AUTH" , click derecho, ---> Import --> Execute SQL Script , y nos saldrá un cuadrito , le damos a los puntitos "..." y elegimos el archivo correspondiente que hay que colocar en Auth, que es el archivo "cambiar expansion.sql", le damos a EJECUTAR Y LISTO! Cuando acabe le damos a "Done" XD!
-Paso 8: Hacemos igual para el archivo "MOP_updates1.sql", como indica Kasykiller, importarlo en "World", le damos click derecho, --> Import --> Execute SQL Script , indicamos el archivo y le damos a "Ejecutar", y luego a "Done" y LISTO, YA PUEDES DISFRUTAR AL 100% del repack de oro de pandaria !! gracias kasykiller!!XD
Para ejecutar los archivos sql no habrás el worldserver.exe ni el authserver, primero usa el Start Mysql y luego pon los updates si no, no tendrá efecto hasta que reiniciaras las 2 cosas, gracias therenor por ayudar un poco jaja saludos!


26 Oct 2020
Para ejecutar los archivos sql no habrás el worldserver.exe ni el authserver, primero usa el Start Mysql y luego pon los updates si no, no tendrá efecto hasta que reiniciaras las 2 cosas, gracias therenor por ayudar un poco jaja saludos!
Es un placer jajaj, es cierto luego hay que reiniciar server para que funcione y tenga efecto se me olvido poner eso!

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