ID de Boss Trinitycore

21 Jul 2020
ID de Boss De Trinitycore

Onyxia = 10184
Battleguard Sartura = 15516
C'Thun = 15727
Fankriss the Unyielding = 15510
Lord Kri = 15511
Ouro = 15517
Princess Huhuran = 15509
Princess Yauj = 15543
The Prophet Skeram = 15263
Viscidus = 15299
Vem = 15544
Emperor Venk'nilash = 15275
Emperor Vek'lor = 15276
Chromaggus = 14020
Ragnaros = 11502
Teremus the Devourer = 7846
Bloodlord Mandokir = 11382
Gahz'ranka = 15114
Gri'lek = 15082
Hakkar = 14834
Hazza'rah = 15083
High Priest Thekal = 14509
High Priest Venoxis = 14507
High Priest Arlokk = 14515
High Priest Jeklik = 14517
High Priestess Mar'li = 14510
Jin'do the Hexxer = 11380
Renataki = 15084
Wushoolay = 15085
Baron Geddon = 12056
Garr = 12057
Gehennas = 12259
Golemagg the Incinerator = 11988
Magmadar = 11982
Majordomo Executus = 12018
Sulfuron Harbinger = 12098
Shazzrah = 12264
Bloodlord Lashlayer = 12017
Razorgore the Untamed = 12435
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt = 13020
Nefarian = 11583
Anub'Rekhan = 15956
Feugan = 15930
Gluth = 15932
Gothik the Harvester = 16060
Grand Widow Faerlina = 15953
Grobbulus = 15931
Heigan the Unclean = 15936
Highlord Mograine = 16062
Instructor Razuvious = 16061
Kel'Thuzad = 15990
Lady Blaumex = 16065
Loatheb = 16011
Maexxna = 15952
Noth the Plaguebringer = 15954
Patchwerk = 16028
Sapphiron = 15989
Sir Zeliek = 16063
Stalagg = 15929
Thaddius = 15928
Thane Korth'azz = 16064
Atiesh = 16387
Ayamiss the Hunter = 15369
Buru the Gorger = 15370
General Rajaxx = 15341
Kurinnaxx = 15348
Moam = 15340
Ossiran the Unscarred = 15339
General Drakkisath = 10363
Gyth = 10339
Highlord Ommok = 9196
Overlord Wyrmthalak = 9568
Pyroguard Emberseer = 9816
The Beast = 10430
Warchief Rend Blackhand = 10429
War Master Boone = 9237
Lord Valthalak = 16042
Illidan Stormrage = 22917
Lich King = 36597

ID Boss de Cataclysmo

Grand Ambassador Flamelash = 41110
Erunak Stonespeaker = 40825
Lady Naz'jar = 40586
Commander Ulthok = 40765
Ozumat = 42172
Deathwing = 39867
Admiral Ripsnarl = 47626​

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